Privacy Policy


San Jeronimo Avenue 310, Colonia San Jeronimo, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon., CP 64640

Identity and address of the person responsible

CREDICLUB S.A. DE C.V., S.F.P. (hereinafter 'CREDICLUB') with address at Avenida San Jerónimo 310, Colonia San Jerónimo, Monterrey, Nuevo León., CP 64640, responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, makes available the following privacy notice.

Personal Data Collected

Crediclub S.A. de C.V., S.F.P. may obtain personal data directly from the owner, from his legal representative, or from any other legal means, including publicly accessible sources, social networks and references from third parties. The information that may be obtained includes general identification information, economic, credit or financial situation, as well as information relating to biometric factors of the owner, as described below:

Identification‍Name, age, place and date of birth, nationality, marital status, autograph signature, photograph, federal taxpayer registration (RFC), unique population registration key (CURP), MRZ, year of registration of the voting credential, voter code, QR code of the voting credential, date of issue, validity of identification.‍
Contact‍Address, email address, state of residence, location according to the National Electoral Institute, municipality of residence, landline, cell phone, username on social networks, personal references.‍
Laborals‍Position or position you hold, job training, work address, institutional email, institutional telephone number, work references, work experience.‍
Bank accounts, income, expenses, credit history in credit reporting companies (e.g. Credit Bureau), tax information.‍
Hand or finger geometry, fingerprint, iris, retina, facial recognition

CREDICLUB informs you that it does not collect information referred to as sensitive information, in accordance with the “Federal Law on Personal Data Held by Individuals” (hereinafter the Law).

Purposes of the treatment

CREDICLUB informs you that it collects the personal data of its customers directly from the owner or their legal representative for the following purposes:

  • For identification, for the purpose of evaluating the request for credit and/or deposit submitted by customers and, where appropriate, concluding the corresponding contract by mutual agreement.
  • Maintain and guard the file and the respective information, in accordance with the laws and provisions applicable to Popular Financial Corporations.
  • Respond to questions, complaints, clarifications and legal requirements from various competent authorities that request it.
  • Eventually, to contact for any purpose derived from the concluded contract.
  • Notify by electronic, optical, sound, visual means, or through other technologies, of changes and conditions in the contracted products and/or services, obligations that arise from them and maintenance in the commercial relationship.
  • For statistical and analytical purposes.
  • Carry out collection activities derived from the breach of the contractual obligation for the contracted products and/or services, including visits, telephone calls, sending emails for collection management purposes if required.
  • Perform biometric fingerprint validation in order to confirm the identity.
  • Verify the payment capacity of your prospects and/or customers

In addition, CREDICLUB may, with your express consent, use your personal information for the following purposes that, although not necessary for the use of the requested service, allow us to provide you with better care:

  • For marketing or advertising purposes, such as keeping you informed about promotions and services, as well as for the improvement of our products and services.
  • Analytical processes.
  • Commercial prospecting.
  • Perform statistical analysis, generating information models and/or profiles of current and predictive behavior.
  • Conduct surveys, or allow participation in sweepstakes and promotions.
  • To offer you, where appropriate, other banking or financial products of your own or those of any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, controlling companies, associates, commission agents or member companies of CREDICLUB or third parties.

If you do not want your personal data to be processed for these additional purposes, you must send an email to from the email address that you have previously registered with CREDICLUB, or contact the Telephone Service Center, whose details are available on the website www.crediclub, com

Data transfer

The personal data provided to CREDICLUB may be transferred to these public and/or private entities for the purposes described below:

FINREV S.A.P.I. de C.V.‍MexicoOffer complementary services and/or products.

Tenex Capital S.A.P.I. de C.V.

MexicoOffer complementary services and/or products.‍


MexicoResource transfers through the Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI)‍


MexicoCobranza telefónica.


MexicoContact and customer prospecting for Crediclub products.‍

Conductora de Sueños y Similares, S.A. de C.V.

Offer complementary services and/or products

Círculo de Crédito, Sociedad de Información Crediticia, S.A. de C.V.

Obtención de información relativa a movimientos de las cuentas sobre servicios gubernamentales, siendo de manera enunciativa mas no limitativa: Validación de información de cuentas bancarias, seguridad social, impuestos, ahorro para la vivienda, entre otros.

In compliance with the provisions of financial legislation and other provisions applicable to popular financial corporations, CREDICLUB may transfer data to various authorities that require it and to credit information companies.

Transfers may also be made to third parties, such as the National Electoral Institute (INE), for the purpose of verifying the validity and coincidence of your Voting Credential data to identify you to private institutions, in terms of what is established in the applicable regulations to combat identity theft.

Crediclub will not make transfers without your consent to unmentioned third parties. If CREDICLUB requires a transfer of your data, we will request your prior consent except for the exceptions mentioned in article 37 of the Act.

ARCO Rights

You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for and the terms of use we give them (Access). It is also your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is out of date, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); to delete it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations set out in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as to object to the use of your personal data for specific purposes other than the provision of your contracted product and/or service; for example, advertising and promotions (Opposition). These are the rights granted to you by the Act and are called 'ARCO Rights'.


(A) On
Know what personal data we have about you and what they are used for.

(R) rectification
Request to update your personal information, or, where appropriate, correct it.

(C) cancellation
Request the deletion of your applicable personal data.

(O) position
Block the use of your data for purposes other than hiring

To exercise your ARCO rights, you must follow the following steps:

1. Prepare your documents

  • Single form: download it hither, fill it out with your information and indicate the right you want to exercise.
  • Current official identification: Voting Credential, Passport, Military ID or Professional ID.
  • Copy of current proof of address: water, electricity, telephone (only if it doesn't match your official identification number)

When exercising the Right to Rectify Personal Data, please accompany the documentation supporting this fact (e.g. change of CLABE account: the account statement).

In cases where the request is submitted by a legal representative, it must accompany the notary public instrument or power of attorney signed before two witnesses.

2. Submit your request

Via email to, attaching the documents mentioned above.

CREDICLUB will respond to the request within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) business days from the date it is received in the email.

If the submitted request is appropriate and CREDICLUB receives the documentation indicated above from the Owner or its legal representative, it will become effective within 15 (fifteen) business days following the date on which the response is communicated.

If the information provided in the Form for the exercise of ARCO Rights is erroneous or insufficient or the corresponding accreditation documents are not accompanied, within 5 business days of receiving the Request, you may be required to provide the necessary elements or documents to process it. You will have ten business days to fulfill the request, counting from the day after it was sent to you. If no response is given within that period, the request will be considered not submitted.

Click hither, to know in detail the response times for your request for ARCO rights.

Revocation of consent

At any time you can revoke the consent that, if any, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to keep in mind that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or complete the use immediately, since it is possible that due to a legal or regulatory obligation to which CREDICLUB is subject, we may need to continue processing your personal data. You should also consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will mean that we cannot continue to provide you with the service you requested, or the termination of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you must follow the steps to exercise your ARCO rights mentioned above.

You can also limit the use and disclosure of your data if you do not want to receive advertising information about financial products and services, by registering in the Public User Registry (REUS) of the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (CONDUSEF) at the following link:

The use of tracking technologies on our web portal

The links, cookies, web beacons or other technologies similar to other Internet sites found on this page for your benefit are not controlled by CREDICLUB, so we are not responsible for the information that is published on those sites, nor for the information you provide about yourself to them.

To disable cookies according to each browser and by following the following steps as appropriate:

Google Chrome

  • Open Chrome on your computer.
  • At the top right, click More > Settings.
  • At the bottom, click Advanced Settings.
  • Under “Privacy and Security”, click Website Settings.
  • Click on Cookies.
  • Then you'll be able to:
  • Activate cookies: Activate the switch that appears next to “Blocked”.
  • Disable cookies: Disable the option Allow sites to save and read cookie data.


  • Click Tools > Options.
  • In the top panel, click Privacy.
  • Select the option Use custom settings for history.
  • Select the option to disable cookies.
  • Click OK.

Internet Explorer

  • Click Start > Control Panel. (In the classic view mode of Windows XP, click Start > Settings > Control Panel). Double-click the Internet Options icon.
  • Select the Privacy tab.
  • Click Advanced.
  • In the “Advanced Privacy Settings” window, select the options to disable cookies.
  • Access the Safari drop-down menu.
  • Select Preferences.
  • In the top panel, click Security.
  • Select the option to turn off cookies.
  • Click OK.

Changes to this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates resulting from new legal requirements; from our own needs for the products or services we offer; from our privacy practices; from changes in our business model, or for other reasons.

CREDICLUB undertakes to keep you informed and to notify you of any changes that this Privacy Notice may undergo, through its website or at its branches.

The owner understands and accepts the terms set out in this privacy notice, including the changes established in the updates made to it, regarding the processing of their personal data.

If you consider that your right to the protection of your personal data has been injured by any conduct or omission on our part, or you presume a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, its Regulations and other applicable laws, you can file your disagreement or complaint with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). For more information, we suggest you visit their official website

Last updated: May 2024